Published July 5th, 2013 by Isaac Farin Therapy

Isaac Farin, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, has provided some tips for blended-families and co-parenting. Isaac practices the strength-based approaches to family therapy. He is a licensed marriage and family therapist, a certified clinical hypnotherapist, a medical meditation consultant, stress management consultant, and a mental health clinician, who is currently earning his PhD. degree at Nova Southeastern University.

1) What are some key tips to being able to achieve blended family harmony?

- Making sure that all the children feel special and unique in their own way.

- Not favoring one child over the other.

- Allowing each family member to choose an activity for the family to participate in.

- Establish family meetings to discuss what is working well, what are the challenges, and making future plans.

2) How can unhealthy competition be avoided between step- or half-siblings?

- Fairness in the home is a very important dynamic in all families and especially in blended families.

- Make sure to hold everyone evenly accountable for their actions and never play favorites.
- During activities, the focus should be on the process of the activity rather than the winning or losing outcome.

3) Why is one-on-one time with biological parents important? What about time with the non-biological parent?

- We have a natural inclination to be loved by our biological family members.

- The biological parents’ divorce should not change the relationship with their child.

- The non- biological parent should co- construct activities with the child and encourage friendship development.

4) How can the adults involved in a blended family ensure that kids keep a strong sense of self-worth?

- Support.

- Nurture.

- Guidance.

- Collaboration.

- Open and respectful dialogue. 

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