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My client Benjamin*, an 11 year old boy, absolutely loves the movie series, “Transformers”. I took our Longboard Therapy © session as an opportunity to take his love for the movie series and relate it to his personal therapy goals. Together, we discovered that:
1. “Transformers can change their form”
Benjamin’s insight: You don’t try to change how people are on the inside, but you can suggest they change some of their outward behaviors. Only that person can truly begin to change who they are at their core; it can’t be forced upon them!
2. “Let the Autobot fight in their own wars”
Benjamin’s insight: Letting somebody fend for themselves gives them more capability and courage. So, allowing people to be the agents of change in their own lives can lead to their greatest success!
3. “A friend or two can be stronger than an army, which is ‘more than meets the eye’”
Benjamin’s insight: Even having just 1 good friend is more than meets the eye!
Benjamin continues to work on his therapy goals of becoming more confident, learning to better cope with difficult emotions, better navigating through familial issues, and in achieving optimal academic success. He is a kid who enjoys his Longboard Therapy sessions and he leaves each session with his own understanding of how being more present, entering the flow, learning how to let go, and learning how to better navigate through life’s bumpy roads, can greatly benefit his current situation!
* Not actual client name: Pseudonym
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